SEO Best Keyword

SEO Best Keyword
Website is best Telemarketing for some people or some company all over the world. If you want to more visitor come to your website try to use google adword. Google adword is PPC (Pay Per Click) program advertising on

But if you want more traffic but with less cost, try to
optimize the website with best keyword. Think what word or phrase that wills user type on google find your page or your website. Best keyword must in part of the post on your website, can on title, can on body of post and can on meta keyword.

Google use meta key to find and index your website. If two website use same meta keyword how google display the search result? The answer is
google display search result base on pagerank, higher pagerank of website is at the first display.

The most important thing is you must use your Meta keyword with relevant to your post.
Your Meta keyword: life insurance
The phrases of life insurance MUST a part of your page, can on title or body of post. The question is why must? The answer is yes. Because base on Google Quality Guidelines if you load pages with irrelevant keyword, it can trim down your pagerank. And if the pagerank is more down, your page will display at bottom search result and less visitor came.